Saturday, April 11, 2009


Okay so things have been going really well lately, to which I am extremely happy. As much as Yi Sul might not like the arrangement, the deal has ended the fighting between us and we are now on speaking/laughing terms. 

Today, the Korean volunteer who was paired up with Matias came to visit and is staying until tomorrow. His english is really good. His accent is better than most Koreans, and I was trying to figure out if maybe he studied in another country, but he told me that he has never been outside of the country. It turns out his english teacher in college is American. I think that this has really helped him to speak better English. 

We went into Mokpo today and went shopping at both the Lotte (the giant target/supermarket thing I have talked about before) and this smaller grocery store which is like a tiny Costco (its wholesale). We came back at like 4pm, and then at 6:15 Yi Sul came to get me to tell me that we were all going out to dinner and then told me that Matias' partner was here (nobody had told me he was coming until that point!). 10 of us including some kids from the community went to dinner, and I got to talk to Sancap (thats how it sounds like you pronounce his name..not sure on the spelling though) which was really nice. He seems to understand the cultural differences more, and understand how it can be really hard for those of us foreigners to come to the "real Korea" as he puts it. It is definitely a struggle, but it has been a lot of fun so far and I would not trade this experience for anything. 

:) i hope it works. but if not... go to and type in Haenam, Korea. Wow I love life!!!

^Yi Sul and I taken tonight at dinner. No, I don't always wear this shirt contrary to how it seems! I just happen to be wearing the same shirt twice when photos of me were taken lol.
^Samonim, and her daughter Unah. Unah goes to a private high school so I only see her briefly on weekends.
^Host's youngest son Han-bin on the left, and Soncap on the right.
^Street in Mokpo. 

^This is the ENTIRE section of pasta that they had in the grocery store. Thats it. Granted I was happy they had real pasta instead of the "japanese noodles" but still. 

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